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Complaints & Appeals


Complaint typically refers to an expression of dissatisfaction or discontent regarding certification process. The complaint handling process of Apex has following steps:
  • All client complaints, whether verbal or written are considered & recorded.
  • All client complaints are reviewed by the MR who will raise CPA to the concerned to further investigate the matter.
  • When investigating the cause of a client complaint or implementing any resulting necessary corrective action, those responsible shall ensure that any supporting details or documents are recorded.
  • A client complaint shall be considered as “closed” when a fair corrective action has taken place and this should be entered on the CPA Log.
  • All completed client complaint forms must be copied to the GM Certification for analysis and reporting and discussion during Management Review. The Management Representative will maintain a CPA Log for reporting and analysis purposes.
  • The Apex shall notify to the complainant at the end of the complaint handling process.


Appeal refers to seeking a review or reconsideration on outcome of the audit or certification decision. The appeal handling process of Apex has following steps:
  • The certified client or any interested party, wishing to contest any decision of Apex shall file an appeal in writing within 14 days of a decision
  • The receipt of the appeal is acknowledged and the applicant is informed of the progress made
  • On receipt of such an appeal, MR shall issue a CPA with the details of the appeal received to management. The management shall proceed to constitute an independent appeals panel in each case.
  • The meeting of the appeal panel shall be held within fifteen (15) days of the receipt of appeal. Prior to the meeting of the appeals panel the existing decision of apex is to remain in force.
  • Apex management shall ensure that the appellant is advised in writing of the decision of the appeals panel within seven (7) days of the decision.
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